Colleyville, TX
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Zoning Map
All land within the City of Colleyville is divided into zoning districts. The City of Colleyville has 16 zoning districts which specify the areas in which residential, industrial, recreational, or commercial activities may take place. The districts include Residential, Non-Residential, and Planned Unit Development Districts.
Future Land Use Map
Colleyville’s visual guide to future planning. The Future Land Use Map provides a road map indicating future areas within the city that are comprised of similar or compatible land uses. This “preferred future” provides guidance to City staff, appointed and elected officials, land and business owners, the public, and private developers as to what types of development are desirable in different parts of the city.
Tax Increment Finance District (TIF)
Authorized under Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, these special purpose districts are designated to reinvest the added tax revenue from new development back into the area where it originated for the purpose of redevelopment, infrastructure, and other related community-improvement projects.
Master Thoroughfare Plan
The Master Thoroughfare Plan identifies the major thoroughfare routes serving the community and the general location of all future major thoroughfares. The map is designed and intended to identify a street network system that provides an efficient, structured framework for the smooth flow of traffic to meet projected long-term growth within the City of Colleyville.
City of Colleyville Streets
The map is an overview of the City's streets, streams, parcels, parks, schools, churches and the City's office buildings. This map is designed and intended to help identify all streets and significant landmarks within the City. The map is only updated on an as needed basis, to seek the most updated information please visit the City's Interactive Map.
Sidewalk and Trail System Map
Represents a network of scenic and recreation routes that encourages efficient and pleasant movement of all modes in the city with a focus on improving strategic vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle connectivity at key locations. The City of Colleyville looks to expand its trails and sidewalks as these enhance the city’s aesthetics, increases property value, aids in tree preservation, improves mobility, and creates healthier communities.
The City of Colleyville makes no guarantee or assurance as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any representation contained in these maps. The user is encourage to check with the city to verify that the map(s) being used is the latest, most current map(s) available.