The City Secretary's Office is primarily responsible for compiling and publishing the City Council agendas, attending each meeting of the City Council, and maintaining a record of accurate minutes of the proceedings. Meeting notices and agenda packets are available on the PUBLIC MEETINGS page of this website. Meetings of the Colleyville City Council as well as some other public meetings are streamed live and made available online, typically the day after the meeting. ACCESS VIDEO AND LIVE STREAMING

In addition, the City Secretary is the custodian of all official City records, which includes, but is not limited to ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements, easements, deeds of City-owned property, and is the designated records manager of the City.

This office also coordinates municipal elections through a contract with the Tarrant County Elections office, oversees publications and postings of legal notices and agendas of all boards and commissions of the city; as well as monitoring and managing the terms and attendance of all board and commission members. The Office of the City Secretary provides information maintained by and for the city in accordance with requirements established by law in the Texas Public Information Act. 

Colleyville City Council meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of the month and the agendas are posted at City Hall and at at least 72 hours in advance of a meeting, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.